Abbie Hoffman

Abbot Howard Abbie Hoffman was an American political and social activist and anarchist who cofounded the Youth International Party .

Hoffman was born November 30, 1936 in Worcester, Massachusetts, to John Hoffman and Florence Schanberg. Hoffman was raised in a middleclass household and had two younger siblings. As a child in the 1940s50s, he was a member of what has been described as the transitional generation between the beatniks and hippies. He described his childhood as idyllic and the 40s as a great time to grow up in. On June 3, 1954, 17yearold Hoffman was arrested for the first time, for driving without a license. During his school days, he became known as a troublemaker who started fights, played pranks, vandalized school property, and referred to teachers by their first names. In his sophomore year, Hoffman was expelled from Classical High School, a nowclosed public high school in Worcester. As an atheist, Hoffman wrote a paper declaring that God could not possibly exist, for if he did, there wouldnt be any suffering in the world. The irate teacher ripped up the paper and called him a Communist punk. Hoffma

Source: Wikipedia